
Kristalweizen Clear Wheat Ale Beer



Translating to "Crystal or Clear Wheat" this bier is very similar in flavor to our Hefeweizen but with a higher alcohol and is filtered to a crystal-clear clarity, resulting in the same great taste but even with even more drinkability. This beer highlights the wheat balanced by more subtle banana sweetness, clove, and orange citrus.

As a wheat bier, Kristallweizen falls under the Weissbier (vice-bier) category. Weissbier translates to "white beer" for the pale air-dried malt used versus the dark kiln-dried malt of the time. Weissbiers were outlawed by the Reinheitsgebot law until 1548 when the Duke of Bavaria granted special permission to the brewers. By law a Weissbier must use top fermenting yeast and at least 50% of its malt bill must be wheat.

ABV 5.6%

IBU 12

Flavor Profile

Banana / Spice / Refreshing


Biergarten Only - Rotating


  • Malt - Weyermann Pale Wheat, Premium Pils
  • Hops - Hallertau Tradition, Mandarina Bavaria
  • Yeast - Weihenstephan Hefeweizen